Discover the major dates in the Group's history | UbiPharm 01 | 02

A history
characterized by boldness

In the past

Founding the company thirty years ago required a bold approach. We believed that pharmacists in Africa and Overseas France could become real players across the entire pharmaceutical supply chain. This was an entirely new model. By holding a share of their subsidiary’s capital in the countries where we were growing our presence, they could become masters of their own destiny, as both shareholders and customers at the same time. 


Boldness is still needed today to continue our development and continuously innovate, to strengthen our ties with our partners and attract new ones; to succeed with the Group’s digital transformation; to export our unique model and open new subsidiaries; and to expand our international presence. We must also strengthen our resilience amid a global health crisis that has affected everyone.

In the future

Boldness will still be required in the coming years to stay one step ahead, and to attract and train new talent while respecting their diversity. We plan to affirm our status as a pioneering company by leading the way in helping communities while protecting the environment. We will help our partners to grow alongside us and share new opportunities with them and will contribute to the economic influence and social development of the countries in which we operate.

For thirty years, UbiPharm’s history has been shaped by strong values and ambitious objectives. Our teams and partners are ready to rise to the many challenges that lie ahead.

Discover the major dates in the Group's history | UbiPharm 02 | 02